
weekend update

friday was a wash-- was so hung over i was dumb! and done. went home after work and watched twilight- am now obsessed with the vampire culture and edward! mmm. went to dinner w liz/fuss at graziellas (never a let down) and went back home to watch another movie- "confessions of a shopaholic" blah at best. nothing thrilling or fun to report on that. isla fisher is lucky she got that role.

saturday evening was la's b day! at the boat basin (79th street and riverside dr) 212.496.5542 such a NEAT outdoor venue! it was marvelous and fun even though the weather was less than perfect. her fam and her friends 
are all super sweet and her dad rocks bc he allowed the open bar to go alllll night! nice. then to m's to fall fast asleep.

sunday was a trip to li to see m's fam and the adorable mason for dad's day! he's a brave soul (look at him compared to the size of the giant puppy in the pic below) and a quick wit at that. eat him up-- he's tasty!

and sunday eve was a chill movie night with lots of treats--- :) the
popcorn bucket was a b day gift from liz that has come in
muy handy! m was scared of the movie i picked (quarantine) and don't let him tell you different! too bad the cover gives the whole movie away!

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