
do my shit for me

this is a novel idea!

Started out in SF and just arriving in NYC, TR specializes in "service networking", i.e., connecting people who don't have time to get their checklists done with people looking to make some extra scratch; the founder lighted upon the idea after finding herself choosing between going out to dinner and buying food for her dog, a problem usually solved by just feeding the dog whatever, because it's a freaking dog. Basically a reverse auction, TR allows users to post a task and suggest a price, at which point fully vetted runners can bid to get the gig; posters then need only select the runner with the right price and skills, which, if you're getting someone to deliver dog food 'cause you're out at dinner, should not include "dog murdering". Setting itself apart from other online concierges, runners have a variety of specific, next-level, non-dog-murdering skills, meaning you can get assistance troubleshooting a computer, setting up a photo shoot, doing research, or learning how to cook, though you know what's more delicious than anything you could ever whip up? People doing stuff for you, that's what!
They've also just added an iPhone app that can geolocate you/connect via Facebook, and uses a simple wheel to break down your mobile task-posting into categories like shopping, cleaning, and food delivery, though god help anyone who shows up with too many starches.

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