
some things i learned this weekend/this am

+ it's really hard to make yourself realize you have to let go of something
+ the lyrics to kelly clarkson's song "already gone" are heart wrenching bc they are true for so many people
+ i'd not be sane if it weren't for my cat eek (and my sofa)
+ tbs runs really good kiddie movies all day on sundays
+ you can watch approx 4.5 movies and about 4 shows in 24 hours if you don't leave your tv (and can also manage to not hear a word of what your watching if your mind is elsewhere)
+ that a bowl of granola can make you cry??
+ the frozen spoon thing kinda does work for puffy eyes
+ you have to love and be comfortable with yourself first and foremost
+ need to be WAY more conscious of my mood and actions and make more of an effort- sometimes it's just the little things that matter most and can make a world of difference...

so glad to be gettin outta ny for a little- off to la jolla with the fam for turkey. hope everyone has a great thanksgiving and is thankful for their health, their friends, and their loved ones!

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