
serky turkey!!!

sometimes the best thanksgivings are the ones where you decide screw it- we'll try to cook in a teenie tiny little kitchen and no matter what tastes come out of it at least we'll be together and at least we have some grub! sadly minus liz we cozied up in the condo in la jolla and moms (i helped a bit too:) got crackin in a kitchen the size of one in a camper. usually we have a bunch of people over and cook a giant turkey and order some fancy sides and maybe some other guests bring a dessert etc. this year the homemade goodness was the best thanksgiving ever! mom made gravy from scratch, sweet taters, green beans and a gangster turkey. i demanded cream corn mac and chee as well as mashed tatos so i grabbed ready made sides and spuds in a box and made them myself! all 3 of my generics were daaaamn tasty and i was proud- i doctored them in my own little way, and they was gooood. :) family is rad and i have a lot to be thankful for!

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