
better me?

this is basically the equivalent to passing (or leaving someone a note) that says do "you like me check yes or no" or otherwise. this is funny to me bc bored at work yesterday i played a lil joke and did just that- on a post it note and stuck it to my designers computer to see how long it takes him to find it (it's mixed in w a few of his reminder notes). oh but i also left a "call me" sign off w a dudes extension number. murhahaha. can you say SLOW day yesterday!??!

anyhoo- i find the below website an interesting concept (i think?)


Anonymity is awesome

Directly telling people how you really feel can be awkward, especially when they tell you to shut up, and you have to explain you don't do that, you just grow up, and when you look at their face you throw up, and then their mom has to come and lick it up. Get honest without risking such viciousness, with BetterMe.
Thrillist - BetterMe
An awesomely gutless alternative to real-life confrontation, Better lets you send anonymous e-notes confessing whatever you're too pitifully yellow to actually say to your friends/coworkers/Jim Brown, and also solicit their similarly anonymous feedback on how to improve yourself/your work/your now-shattered relations with Jim Brown...you knew that dude was gonna find out you said that stuff. Getting started's painless: enter an email for your recipient(s), select a category (work, social, personal, etc), and compose your scathing whine; your targets'll get an alert with a link to check the message, then have the option to send a reply, rate the feedback on a 1-5 scale, and send a report if they feel it's out of line, which it had better be, because you can really just tell someone they've got spinach in their teeth without fear of reprisal. Far more actually useful's their social-polling tool, which lets you request anonymous feedback from others: just pop in emails to send a message requesting people's opinion on anything, or use their question templates, which range from typical work matters (Were my presentation skills compelling? Does the team communicate effectively?), to more personal fare, including "Am I good in bed?" -- which for you, thanks to the recession, also falls into the "work" category.
While messages can focus on just about any topic you'd like, Better asks you not to use "bad" words, which means it's time to start thinking up nice clean euphemism for Poopy McPoopypants.

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