

this weekend i went to PA. i really enjoyed it BUt it confirmed what i previously thought.... when driving our car  back frm nashville liz and i got "stuck" there (there were random detours and road blocks and weird folks and for a sec i was nervous thinking abt horror movies like wax city) or whatver that movie w paris hilton is where the whole city is a front and only crazy murderous people live there and lure passers by into their death trap!! 

not to fear! it was not THAT crazy and the town i was in this time around (bushskill?) was not scary it was actually cute but what it was was stuck in 1979. everything is cute but very out of date and so are the people. i kinda liked it bc it was a feeling of a nice slow pace. people were nice and what not. the town was tiny and there's a baking company that advertises by saying they are the bakery "by the traffic light"- not kidding i will take a pic of their label (that's on the amazing apple pie i purchased frm the cute little spot pictured above). the spot above wasn't by a traffic light---so i guess they just sell the bakery's goods. BUt this place pictured! woah! i purchased the following: 1 large apple pie, 1 set (3) of white choc macadamia cookies, 1 set heath bar cookies (these were the best! then i left them out (wrapped in saran wrap) and michael put me on "food restriction" because "mice got into them". i still wanted to eat the one on top but i think m threw them right out :( i also purchased a PA coffee mug so i can fill up at work and not waste so many paper cups! OH and at check out i happened upon a fresh HOT cinnamon bun drowning in frosting. i had to... and the lady was nice enough to top it off w hot frosting! that sucker was GOOD!

anyhoo- i am excited to go back to the quaint house of roth and next time go snowboarding (or re-learn to rather :) 

also! check out the pic that i tried to enhance to show what greeted us when we pulled into the house (which is on the mountain). there's one really creepy one w just neon eyes peering out of the woods! and the other i messed w the settings so you could see the guys. there were about 12 deer and a baby eating food that the fam had tossed out for them! it was a neat sight and they were beautiful! they just stood there calm as could be with our headlights right on them. they were super calm until michael's 130 lb german sheppard got out of the car- then it was off into the woods (quickly).

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