
this weekend can be described in one word...

blah! blahdey blah! BLAH!

ok, that felt better (a bit). nothing much to report except that i feel much like the fish pictured here that m had for dinner friday night at chimu. it was a nice dinner (con kate and george) and then turned into one of those annoying try to have fun and stay out and drink bc you have co-workers that may be coming to meet you nights. then you have a slight tummy ache and then your phone dies so look like an ass right after your co-workers text you! then you go home and are miffed bc you feel like friday was a bust.

on saturday you have what you think is a mildly neat day going to the brooklyn botanic gardens (which were fun even though the outside (large) section is not in bloom yet-*i can't wait to go back in a few weeks!) you even purchase cacti and sip sodas and a root beer float with your honey at an awesome old school diner. then you decide to go to dinner (at katz's deli 205 east houston @ ludlow 212.254.2246) dinner is ok, and then you try to go to the movies not knowing showtimes or what you want to see and parking is a bitch and you are all cranky and grouchy for no reason. then your man gets fed up and decides he'd rather go home (he does) and you feel like a poopstick! then you stay at the movies and watch a slightly (blah) flick 'the haunting in connecticut' starring kyle gallner (who you convince yourself you like more than your man bc you are mad at him) and you have a grouch face the whole night and alllll the way home. GARBAGE saturday evening!

sunday you awake in a piss poor mood and its disgusting out and you want to sleep but you get awoken by a text from the devil himself (aka m when i was still "upset" with him). and you ponder how your sunday will go... then you decide to lay in bed angry! and text back a while later that that's exactly what you will be doing. then you receive a cute picture of your fav dog (and a PUPPY to boot- wicked ploy) and you decide your dumb and you know you really want to be with your yummy man so you tell him to come get you (*note this is a bad idea when you know you are still in a "grouchy" mood) it will surely end in tears and screaming that are unnecessary! ahhhh...aint life grand?

did i mention i lost my sally hensen nail pen that i blogged about below!?? maddening i tell you!  

ok it's monday! a new week! done bitching for now. sorry for ruining any part of your weekend m  :)

OH WAIT! i forgot the best part! by "helping" me with my iphone m (and i) managed to delete all my contacts! a great ending to a lovely weekend!


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